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How To Build a Basic Webpage

Ever wondered how to build a website, but thought it was too hard to do? Today I'm here to show that it is actualy pretty easy to get going.


This guide will not show you how to get the site out to the public. I will have a seperate guide for that. This is only here to teach the basics of web design useing just html and css.

Getting Started

In order to get started you'll need to startup a program capable of saving .html pages. For Windows users this is as easy as starting up notepad and for Linux/BSD users just go in to the terminal and use your favorite text editor. If neither of these options work for you there's also plenty of IDEs you can download such as Notepad++ and Dreamweaver.

Setting up an html file

Which ever option you choose you'll need to start your file with < html > or < !DOCTYPE html > either one will work as this will tell the computer this an html page. Next you'll need to type in < head > this will be used to set stuff up such as the title of a page, any css content, etc. Speaking of title to setup the title of a webpage type in < title > and < /title > and in between put the title of what you want your webpage to be called. In order to close section you'll need to type it in again but this time putting a / in front, for example to close the head of the page type in < /head >. Once the head is closed type in < body > to start the body of the webpage. In order to get text on the screen you'll need to use either an < h1-6 > tag or a < p > tag. Each has different sizes of use starting with h1 being the biggest, next down is h2, after that h3, h4 and p are the same size, h5 is the second smallest, and h6 is the smallest size option. As long as the text is before the closing tag you it should show up on screen. To end the page just type in < /body > and < /html >.

Html Doc

If you followed everything said up to this point you should have a result like this.

Testing Page

This will work as a basic page to get your toughts out there, but there is one thing you may have noticed. The page as it is, is kind of boring to look at.

Adding CSS

What is CSS you ask? CSS is short for Cascading Style Sheet and is what determines what the website looks like. There are two ways to get CSS on your webpage. The first way is to simply add a < style > tag on to your html document in between the < head > and < /head > tags. Next you want to type in body{. The { indicates a section for the css to take place. To change the color of the webpage you can either type in background: or background-color: just keep in mind if you use background: it will conflict with any images you want as your background. Which ever you choose you'll need to set the color and there are a few ways to do so. The simplest being to type in any of the 140 HTML color names which you can view at this link here HTML Colors List for example you can type in colors such as red to change the background. The next way to do this is to use rgb to do this. What is rgb you ask? Rgb is a color line begining at 0 being black and ending at 255 being white. You set three numbers within this range in this order Red Green and Blue. If all three numbers are the same you end with a color on the grayscale. To add this to a webpage type in rgb(180, 180, 180); to change the color. Finally the most useful way is to use the hex system to set the color. What is hexcolor you ask? Hexcolor uses three sets of two numbers. This goes from 0-9 and past 9 A-F. Example:#678956; in this case 67 = Red 89 = Green and 56 = Blue. It is very important to start with # if you choose this option as this indicates the start of a hex number. Of course which ever you choose you'll need to end with ; this indicates the end of the object being edited. As for : this indicates the beginning of the object being edited. As for changing the color of the text it is more or less the same concept exept insted of starting with background-color: you are starting with color: other than that the rules are the same. To close the css you'll need to add } which indicates the end of the section for css to take place and below it add < /style >.

Adding CSS

In order for the changes to take place you'll need to save the document first. While this is all fine and good the only downside to useing the < style > tag method is that it only aplies to the page it was written to. This means that in order to use this you would need to copy this to every html page you want it on. Fortuantly there is another way to do this. First create a new document. Do the samething you did in between < style > and < /style > and save the file as a .css file.

Basic Stylesheet

Next add < link rel ="stylesheet" href="YourStyleSheetName.css" >

Linking a Stylesheet

Then save the document and the chages will take place. You will still have to add the link to every page you want it on, but you won't have to type in the css every time.

Closing Thoughts

This is just the mere basics of a webpage. There is so much more you can do with it. If you wish to know more click this link to W3schools W3schools or click here for the second part to this guide Fun With Links in the mean time I will soon teach you more about web design.