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Fun With Links

Before we begin this guide assumes you already know how to create an HTML document as well as the basics of CSS. If you don't already know how to do that or need a refresher please click this linkHow To Build a Basic Webpage before going any further.

Setting Up a Page To Link To

If you have more than one html document then there is a good chance you want your user to be able to get to the other page without having to type in the exact url in the search bar. Good news is the link system is here to help. To get started you first need to set up another html document. Save that document and go back to the html document you want your link to go. On that page type in < a href ="Yourlink.html" > and before you put the closing tag up < /a > type in the name of the link you want your user to see. Remember that the text in the " " is the actual link itself where as the text past the > is what the user will see as such the text past the > can be anything you want it to be. Another caviot is that while yes you can simply get a way with just typing in the name of the html document within the " " it will only work if both html documents are in the same folder. This concept is not just limited to your files either as you can easily link over to a completely different website by just coping the url from the search bar in place of Yourlink.html. Just make sure you put the close tag up < /a > before adding more text otherwise it will just become part of the link you have set up.

Adding A Link

While this will work maybe you want to change the look to make it more readable.

Changing the look of the link

The important thing to remember here is that unlike the body section of the CSS document there are different types of link styles. For now we will just focus on visited and unvisited links. I must say this right now do not add the following to the body{ } of the CSS document as this deals with a completely different section of the document. To start with the unvisited link type in a:link { } and within the { } you can do stuff such as change the color of the link. The command for this the same as the used for text color. You can also change the font size by typing in font-size: #px; the # in this case is replaced with the number you want for example font-size: 30px; px of course stands for pixles. This concept will also work anywhere text will go such as h1, h2, p, etc. If you saved your page and looked at the link you may have noticed that there is an underline on the link. You may or maynot want this depending on how you plan on setting up the website so in order to remove this you want to type in text-decoration: none; to the CSS. Now to do all this to a visited link just type in a:visited{ } outside of a:link { }. The diference being that for an unvisited link you type link past the : and for a visited link you type visited past the : other than that the options are the same. Now just save your changes and if you did everything correctly you should notice the link looking different than it did before. As a tip if you can't see the unvisited CSS for the link try clearing up the search history as doing so as long as there is no further refrence to that page will reset the link tricking it into thinking you have not already been there.

CSS Links

Closing Thoughts

Being able to link pages together is a very important step to setting up a website as doing so gives you the abillity to access multiple pages on a given website. Once again if you wish to know more about web design click this link to W3schools W3schools Soon enough I will teach you more about web design.